Saturday 1 September 2012

Magnificent Eruption on the Sun

Courtesy of Space Weather News for Sept. 1, 2012

MAGNIFICENT ERUPTION: On August 31st, a magnetic filament on the sun erupted in spectacular fashion, producing a long-duration solar flare, a coronal mass ejection (CME) and one of the most beautiful movies of an explosion ever recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. The CME propelled by the blast might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field in the days ahead. Check for movies, forecasts and updates.

The bands seem to be in excellent condition today. Have been on digital modes since early this morning and snagged EG9SDC in North Africa on 17m PSK63 using 20 watts to my Cushcraft R6000 vertical. Lots of good signals.

Today I’ve been busy freezing tomatoes for the winter months – an excellent and extremely sweet crop this year due to the hot, dry conditions in Eastern Ontario (FN25fe).

Tomato Harvest 2012

The crops grown here are all organic and the neighbouring farms supply our family with fresh eggs, honey, organic grass fed beef and chicken. During the cold months I bake whole wheat bread from  from locally grown organic wheat that’s ground at a 150 year old mill in Manotick Ontario about 10Kms from my home.


PE4BAS, Bas said...

Can't open the video. But the tomatos are magnificent! 73, Bas

Bob VE3MPG said...

Hi Bas, you need Quicktime video player installed to view the video - it's SpaceWeather's choice of video player. Thanks for the comments on those lovely tomatoes - they make some nice tasty meals all winter.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob,

Good to see you blogging again.

Perhaps we will cross paths in Carp this weekend.

cheers, Graham ve3gtc

Bob VE3MPG said...

Thanks Graham; more articles coming including one for the parts you dropped off a few weeks ago. Hope to see you at the Carp Hamfest too.