We've had strange weather conditions for most of this summer season. These disturbances were accompanied by extremely strange cloud formations. The national and local weather gurus attribute this bizarre weather to the jet stream being further south than it's supposed to be. Out here near Metcalfe I can see the storms approaching from a good distance. I've attached a few photos of these foreboding formations. Heavy or light rain showers ensued along with some extreme temperature drops. Didn't see any hail this year.

The radios get unplugged and disconnected, from the AC mains, antennas and grounds. My Buddistick gets lowered to its low profile setting and the anchors get an extra brick or two. More on this in a later post.
Holy moley, you're posting again! Good thing I left your feed on my homepage..
I've seen hail a couple of times here in Mississauga this year, it was an odd summer for the volume of storms for sure.
yes, I have some time finally and decided that I would beat you to a new posting! Having net problems here so my edits are very very slow. Hope you are well Brad and nice to get a msg from you.
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