17 meters has been open for most of the morning to Europe and now the southern U.S. states are rolling in. QSB is heavy but signals are 20+ S9 most of the time. I worked Bruce Davis, K4CMC. He used to work at NASA during the Apollo moon missions. Small world after posting the article about the recovered moon photos yesterday.
Here's a picture of Bruce in the Apollo 11 cockpit at Kennedy Space Center in July of
1969 about one week prior to the first lunar landing mission.

Bruce says, "After getting out of the USAF I worked as an Instrumentation Technician and then as a Senior Apollo Spacecraft Electronic Technician at Kennedy Space Center from 1965-1970 as a Spacecraft Operator (SCO) in cockpit of Apollo Spacecraft during ground testing on many of the Apollo missions,including Apollo 11 and Apollo 13."
This is the coolness factor of amateur radio. You really never know who you are going to meet on the air. I always make it a habit to check QRZ.com for profiles of the hams I meet on the bands.
Here's a picture of Bruce in the Apollo 11 cockpit at Kennedy Space Center in July of
1969 about one week prior to the first lunar landing mission.
Bruce says, "After getting out of the USAF I worked as an Instrumentation Technician and then as a Senior Apollo Spacecraft Electronic Technician at Kennedy Space Center from 1965-1970 as a Spacecraft Operator (SCO) in cockpit of Apollo Spacecraft during ground testing on many of the Apollo missions,including Apollo 11 and Apollo 13."
This is the coolness factor of amateur radio. You really never know who you are going to meet on the air. I always make it a habit to check QRZ.com for profiles of the hams I meet on the bands.
1 comment:
From the 50's to the end of the moon landings were really the glory days of space travel and exploration. In my mind the last great human endeavor. It's sad to see the shuttle program come to an end, but I know that it should have happened long ago. Sadder still is the lack of American replacement. I truly believe that space represents the great salvation of the human race, and we must start to really push the development of alternative, far cheaper methods to orbit.
Bruce is not a personal hero of mine.
73, Grant, KC9SJQ
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