Thursday, 18 February 2010

Just Sayin’

This cautionary tale from G4ILO’s blog this morning:Please Rob Me

A site called Please Rob Me has been created by some website developers in Holland. It claims to provide a list of empty homes based on what people post online. The information is extracted from Twitter feeds when people post their whereabouts. Apparently it's been done to highlight the risks of location-sharing through social networks. That sounds a bit like the justification used by sites that expose software security flaws - and we all know where that has led to. Whatever, the site's existence does have some implications for we radio amateurs.

I know many of the local hams are using Twitter and APRS. I’ve seen blogs where hams post their holiday plans too. Be very careful what you’re posting or twittering – just a security precaution that we should all heed when we’re using social media for messaging and blogging.


Please Rob Me

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